Assembling pdf files from different sources - part 2 21. December 2015 Administrator Sharepoint (0) On Assembling pdf files from different sources - part 1 we started to face the challenge of ass [More]
Assembling pdf files from different sources - part 1 16. December 2015 Walter Ferrari Sharepoint (0) Let’s suppose you want to create a pdf as a result of a mixture of data and information coming from [More]
Silverlight and Sharepoint working together: event receivers in Silverlight 12. March 2012 Walter Ferrari Sharepoint (0) In this article we will become familiar with the Sharepoint event receivers, a cool feature which al [More]
Silverlight web parts ad hoch for Sharepoint 2010 1. October 2011 Walter Ferrari Sharepoint, Silverlight (0) There is a recent Visual Studio extension called “Silverlight Sharepoint Web Parts” which has simpli [More]